(even if my code isn't rendered, you're not safe from the glory of the Finch siblings, forumotion. 2003 skyblog style, bish)

Connor M. Finch
"LeeLoo Damnfool Multitool"

• Nom Complet : Connor Matthew FINCH
• Genre : Male (he/him)
• Taille : 1.82m
• Couleur des Yeux : Bleue
• Nationalité :
• Date de Naissance : (whatever makes him roughly 24 and whatever sign i wrote in the mental desc)
• Lieu de Naissance :
• Status : Voyage avec sa sœur Clara FINCH, et ????

Desc physique
Type Caucasien, Grand, Athlétique frisant la maigreur
Uneven stuble (shaving is hard, but shaving with dirty knives is just plain stupid)
Uneven buzzcut (no hair = no hair pulling, which is both good and bad)
Has gotten very very proficient with the climbing pickaxe + old machete combo, and other general melee weapons
Wears old military pants with pockets everywhere (the guy didn't need them anymore)

Desc mental
Taurus represent
i shall make a complete (and completely bullshit) birthchart at some point, i promise
Is conflicted : wants the protection and routine and familial feeling of a town/clan, but is also scared shitless of going through the whole ordeal of an inside contamination again.
he protecc but he also attacc, but really that was also to protecc so...
will try to make it painless if he has to decapitate you, but won't hesitate about it. Contamination is a serious business, y'all
i really shouldn't be brainstorming at 5 in the morning, shouldn't i
will adopt you, and that's a threat
not interpersonally clever enough to read the room at times, so comes off as sometimes a bit aggressive or paranoid
wants to help. will help. you don't have a choice.
refusing the help is ill-advised.
betraying the help is plain stupid.
doesn't know many things outside of how to survive to the fucking apocalypse. Frank Einstein was a mad scientist who made a monster, right ?
Likes fairy lights and fluffy things less and less ironically with time
would also love some private time
terrified of not knowing where his friends are at all times, which can come off as fucking manipulative and controlling
was really scared that one time you went to take a poop without telling him
thought he'd have to fight a butt-naked zombie
no one likes those
and no one gets left behind

has shitty parents
is placed into foster system with sister
nearly grows out of foster system
Apocalypse, either starts it with his sister or gets his sister at the very beginning of the apocalypse
Survives thanks to a group, and some unfortunate, nerve-wrecking experience (making the difference between a regular case of the runs and a zombie infection is hard)
member of the group happens to one day fall under the second category
connie, not being attached to him for as long and more used to sacrifice, is the first to make a move and kill him
group flips out
Connie runs away after stealing some weapons, sister following
lives alone for a good while, make more experience on their own, meet more survivors, both good and bad, help some, fight some when necessary.